
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Silen, W., T. E. Machen, J. G. Forte1975Acid-base balance in amphibian gastric mucosa.
Shimizu, T.1975Recombination of ciliary dynein of Tetrahymena with the outer fibers.
Davies, D. J., N. E. Richardson, D. A. Norton, B. J. Meakin1975Proceedings: The antimicrobial efficiencies of contact lens solutions.
Bartley, V. H.1975Analysis of fatal blunt trauma presenting at an areawide trauma center.
Hendrickson, W. A., K. B. Ward1975Atomic models for the polypeptide backbones of myohemerythrin and hemerythrin.
Schmoldt, A., H. F. Benthe, G. Haberland1975Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.
Mills, G. C., J. B. Alperin, K. B. Trimmer1975Studies on variant glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases: G6PD Fort Worth.
Horty, J. F.1975Denial of staff privileges upheld.
Bhagwat, V. M., B. V. Ramachandran1975Malathion A and B esterases of mouse liver-I.
Gyöngyössy, M. I., A. Arnaiz-Villena, C. Soteriades-Vlachos, J. H. Playfair1975Rosette formation by mouse lymphocytes. IV. Fc and C3 receptors occurring together and separately on T cells and other leucocytes.
Moroi, K., T. Sato1975Comparison between procaine and isocarboxazid metabolism in vitro by a liver microsomal amidase-esterase.
Makar, A. B., K. E. McMartin, M. Palese, T. R. Tephly1975Formate assay in body fluids: application in methanol poisoning.
Dawson, R. M.1975The reaction of choline and 3,3-dimethyl-1-butanol with the acetylenzyme from acetylcholinesterase.
Goodfriend, T. L., M. Sindel, F. Fyhrquist, R. Hong, E. Azen, J. M. Stewart1976Peptide-binding macromolecules in the blood of seriously ill or mentally retarded patients.
Hilger, H. H.1981Entwicklungstendenzen im Fruchtbau der anemochoren Boraginaceengattungen Mattiastrum und Paracaryum
Hilger, H. H.1981Die Perikarpentwicklung geflügelter Klausen aus dem Paracaryum -Verwandtschaftskreis (Cynoglosseae, Boraginaceae)
Hilger, H. H., U. Richter1982Untersuchungen zur Ausbildung der Klausen und ihrer Oberflächenskulpturen bei Paracaryum intermedium (Boraginaceae) aus Jordanien
Hilger, H. H.1984Wachstum und Ausbildungsformen des Gynoeceums von Rochelia (Boraginaceae)
Hilger, H. H., M. Balzer, W. Frey, D. Podlech1985Heteromerikarpie und Fruchtpolymorphismus bei Microparacaryum, gen. nov. (Boraginaceae)
Hilger, H. H.1985Ontogenie, Morphologie und systematische Bedeutung geflügelter und glochidientragender Cynoglosseae- und Eritrichieae-Früchte (Boraginaceae)
Hilger, H. H.1986Mikromorphologische Untersuchungen an Klausenoberflächen von Boraginaceae II. Mattiastrum (Boiss.) Brand (Cynoglosseae)
Hilger, H. H.1987Fruchtbiologische Untersuchungen an Heliotropioideae (Boraginaceae). I. Die Ontogenie der monospermen Früchte von Heliotropium supinum L.
Hilger, H. H.1987Flower and fruit development in Wigandia caracasana (Hydrophyllaceae)
Briechle, M., H. H. Hilger1988Die Embryogenese von Microparacaryum intermedium und die embryologische Klassifizierung der Boraginaceae nach Souèges
Hilger, H. H.1989Flower and fruit development in the Macaronesian endemic Ceballosia fruticosa (syn. Messerschmidia fruticosa, Boraginaceae, Heliotropioideae)
Hilger, H. H.1992Morphology of Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) dispersal units
Hilger, H. H.1992Diversität trotz starrer Form: die Klausen der Boraginaceae
Hilger, H. H., Hoppe, JR, M. Hofmann1993Energiedispersive Röntgenmikroanalyse (EDX) von Boraginaceae subfam. Boraginoideae - Klausenoberflachen. Sind Silicium- und Calcium - Einlagerungen in die Fruchtwand systematisch verwertbare Merkmale?
Hilger, H. H.1994Die Evolution der Rauhblattgewächse (Boraginaceae) in Makaronesien
Böhle, U. - R., H. H. Hilger, W. F. Martin1996Island colonization and evolution of the insular woody habit in Echium L. (Boraginaceae)
Hilger, H. H., U. R. Böhle2000Pontechium: a new genus distinct from Echium and Lobostemon (Boraginaceae)
Danin, A.2000The nomenclature news of Flora Palestina
Hilger, H. H., E. Zippel2001{"Studies} in the Boraginaceae" - an index to the publications of Ivan M. Johnston dealing with the borage familiy
Gottschling, M., H. H. Hilger2001Phylogenetic analysis and character evolution of Ehretia and Bourreria (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) and their allies based on {ITS1} sequences
Gottschling, M., D. H. Mai, H. H. Hilger2002The systematic position of Ehretia fossils (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) from the European Tertiary and implications for character evolution
Diane, N., H. H. Hilger, M. Gottschling2002Transfer cells in the seeds of Boraginales
Hilger, H. H., N. Diane2003A systematic analysis of Heliotropiaceae (Boraginales) based on trnL and ITS1 sequence data
Gottschling, M., H. H. Hilger2003First fossil record of transfer cells in angiosperms
Diane, N., C. Jacob, H. H. Hilger2003Leaf anatomy and foliar trichomes in Heliotropiaceae and their systematic relevance
Clermont, A., E. Zippel, H. H. Hilger2003Verbreitung und Differenzierung der mitteleuropäischen Unterarten von Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M.Johnst. (Boraginaceae)
Buys, M., H. H. Hilger2003Boraginaceae cymes are exclusively scorpioid and not helicoid
Luebert, F., R. Pinto2004Nota sobre la presencia de Heliotropium krauseanum Fedde (Heliotropiaceae) en Chile
Selvi, F., A. Papini, H. H. Hilger, M. Bigazzi, E. Nardi2004The phylogenetic relationships of Cynoglottis (Boraginaceae-Boragineae) inferred from {ITS}, {5.8S} and {trnL} sequences
Hilger, H. H., F. Selvi, A. Papini, M. Bigazzi2004Molecular systematics of Boraginaceae tribe Boragineae based on {ITS1} and {trnL} sequences, with special reference to Anchusa s.l.
Gottschling, M., H. H. Hilger2004The systematic position of Ehretia cortesia nom. nov. (= Cortesia cuneifolia: Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) inferred from molecular and morphological data
Gottschling, M., H. H. Hilger2004Characterisation of a novel fruit type found in Ehretia (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales)
Gottschling, M., N. Diane, H. H. Hilger, M. Weigend2004Testing hypotheses on disjunctions present in the primarily woody Boraginales: Ehretiaceae, Cordiaceae, and Heliotropiaceae, inferred from ITS1 sequence data
Hilger, H. H., M. Gottschling, F. Selvi, M. Bigazzi, E. Langström, E. Zippel, N. Diane, M. Weigend2005The {Euro+Med} treatment of Boraginaceae in Willdenowia 34 - a response
Gottschling, M., J. S. Miller, M. Weigend, H. H. Hilger2005Congruence of a phylogeny of Cordiaceae (Boraginales) inferred from {ITS1} sequence data with morphology, ecology, and biogeography
Selvi, F., M. Bigazzi, H. H. Hilger, A. Papini2006Molecular phylogeny, morphology and taxonomic re-circumscription of the generic complex {Nonea/Elizaldia/Pulmonaria/Paraskevia} (Boraginaceae-Boragineae)


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